Krakz โš
Malware hunting & Reverse engineering notes

SysWhispers2 analysis ๐Ÿ™Š


This helper comes in handy when reversing samples that use SysWhispers2 to recover ntdll call from SysWhispers2 hashes. #

SysWhispers helps with evasion by generating header/ASM files implants can use to make direct system calls.

Various security products place hooks in user-mode API functions which allow them to redirect execution flow to their engines and detect for suspicious behaviour. The functions in ntdll.dll that make the syscalls consist of just a few assembly instructions, so re-implementing them in your own implant can bypass the triggering of those security product hooks. This technique was popularized by @Cn33liz and his blog post has more technical details worth reading.

Analysis #

VMray recently tweeted that Pikabot incorporates SysWhispers2 This note offers a step-by-step guide to identify the syscalls made by malware that utilizes SysWhispers2, a technique that can be applied in any situation where SysWhispers2 is present. NB: Tools: IDA decompiler and xdbg The analysis began with the sample PERFERENDISF.jar shared in VMRay tweet, which is available on Malware Bazaar, with the SHA-256: d26ab01b293b2d439a20d1dffc02a5c9f2523446d811192836e26d370a34d1b4

We skipped to the stage 2 of the Pikabot loader, which employs SysWhispers2 to load the malware’s core. The malware executes the following steps to perform a direct syscall:

  1. Saves the return address;
  2. Resolves the syscall ID from a hash (a behavior related to SysWhispers2);
  3. Retrieves a stub to invoke the syscall based on the host architecture;
  4. Executes the syscall and resumes program execution.

Figure 1: Function used to made the direct syscall

Figure 1: Function used to made the direct syscall

Here are examples of direct syscalls made by the malware.

Figure 2: Example of SW2Syscall stubs

Figure 2: Example of SW2Syscall stubs

To operate SysWhispers2, it is necessary to populate the _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST structure, which is an array containing correspondences between hashes and ntdll.dll addresses. According to the file base.h jthuraisamy/SysWhispers2/blob/main/data/base.h the two structures are:

    DWORD Hash;
    DWORD Address;
Code Snippet 1: SysWhispers2 syscall entry

The Hash field contains a hash value corresponding to a particular syscall, and the Address field contains the address of the corresponding function in ntdll.dll.

    DWORD Count;
Code Snippet 2: SysWhispers2 syscall list

The malware stores a pointer to the syscall list as a global variable, which is convenient when we later retrieve the populated data with the debugger.

Figure 3: Reference of the _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST structure

Figure 3: Reference of the _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST structure

According to the source code See function SW2_GetSyscallNumber line 131. the function used to get the address in ntdll from hash ensure that _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST structure is populated.

The most “challenging” task is now to identify a call to SW2_GetSyscallNumber and set a breakpoint after the SW2_PopulateSyscallList function, at which point a dump of the list can be made.

Figure 4: Hex memory view of the _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST structure populated

Figure 4: Hex memory view of the _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST structure populated

Here is a clearest visualization of the memory using ImHex.

Figure 5: Visualization of the _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST structure populated

Figure 5: Visualization of the _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST structure populated

Mapping Hashes to Syscalls #

First, the hashes (SW2) must be listed, and then the hash must be resolved to obtain the syscall number.

The following IDA script lists the hashes by retrieving the first (single one) function argument:

s2w_direct_call_addr = 0x04111000

for x in XrefsTo(s2w_direct_call_addr):
    syscall_hash = get_wide_dword(x.frm - 0x4) # First args of the function
    print(f"call to SW2 at:0x{x.frm:x} hash:0x{syscall_hash:x}")

Which gives the following hashes: 0x312294161, 0x228075779, 0x2553518241, 0x3309424832, 0x1605204094, 0x2236128452, 0x1881308343, 0x3327455464, 0x3319017158, 0x2249560824, 0x397169428, 0x4066245879, 0x2629212700.

Subsequently, the _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST structure was parsed to obtain the address corresponding to each of the aforementioned hashes.

import struct

with open("syscall_entries.dmp", "rb") as f:
    # offset 0x8 is used to remove the DWORD Count of the struct _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST
    SW2_syscallList_raw =[0x8:]

NTDLL_BASE_ADDRESS = 0x77DA0000 # specifics for each sample
SW2_Entrie = namedtuple("SW2_Entrie", ["hash", "address"])
SW2_syscallList: List = []

for hash, addr_offset in struct.iter_unpack("<Li", SW2_syscallList_raw):
    print(f"0x{hash:x} 0x{addr_offset + NTDLL_BASE_ADDRESS:x}")
    SW2_syscallList.append(SW2_Entrie(hash, addr_offset + NTDLL_BASE_ADDRESS))

Next, take a snapshot of ntdll (to avoid rebasing the DLL base address) to list the export functions of ntdll.dll and their corresponding addresses.

The subsequent step involves taking a snapshot of ntdll.dll to obtain a list of its export functions along with their corresponding address. This approach eliminates the need to rebase the DLL base address.

import pefile

def get_section(pe: pefile.PE, section_name: str) -> pefile.SectionStructure:
    """return section by name, if not found raise KeyError exception."""
    for section in filter(
	lambda x: x.Name.startswith(section_name.encode()), pe.sections
	return section
    raise KeyError(f"{section_name} not found")

PE_FILE = "ntdll.dll"
pe = pefile.PE(PE_FILE)

text = get_section(pe, ".text")
image_base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
section_rva = text.VirtualAddress

mapping_syscall_id_fn = []
# Build a corresponding address and ntdll function name
for exp in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols:
    mapping_syscall_id_fn.append((pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + exp.address,

Finally, map the addresses populated in the _SW2_SYSCALL_ENTRIES structure with the corresponding addresses exported from ntdll.dll to obtain their export names.

# hashes obtained in IDA
hashes = [

def find_syscall_by_hash(hash) -> Optional[SW2_Entrie]:
    for syscall in SW2_syscallList:
	if syscall.hash == hash:
	    return syscall

for addr, name in mapping_syscall_id_fn:
    for syscall in map(find_syscall_by_hash, hashes):
	if addr == syscall.address:
	    print(f"0x{syscall.hash:x} <-> {name.decode()}")

Output for this sample of Pikabot is:

0xc5d42ec6 <-> NtAllocateVirtualMemory
0x129d3b11 <-> NtClose
0x85489cc4 <-> NtCreateUserProcess
0x70227cb7 <-> NtFreeVirtualMemory
0x17ac5314 <-> NtGetContextThread
0x5fad787e <-> NtOpenProcess
0xc541d0c0 <-> NtQueryInformationProcess
0x983398a1 <-> NtQuerySystemInformation
0xc654f0e8 <-> NtReadVirtualMemory
0x9cb69a1c <-> NtResumeThread
0xf25dfcf7 <-> NtSetContextThread
0xd982903 <-> NtSystemDebugControl
0x861592f8 <-> NtWriteVirtualMemory
0xc5d42ec6 <-> ZwAllocateVirtualMemory
0x129d3b11 <-> ZwClose
0x85489cc4 <-> ZwCreateUserProcess
0x70227cb7 <-> ZwFreeVirtualMemory
0x17ac5314 <-> ZwGetContextThread
0x5fad787e <-> ZwOpenProcess
0xc541d0c0 <-> ZwQueryInformationProcess
0x983398a1 <-> ZwQuerySystemInformation
0xc654f0e8 <-> ZwReadVirtualMemory
0x9cb69a1c <-> ZwResumeThread
0xf25dfcf7 <-> ZwSetContextThread
0xd982903 <-> ZwSystemDebugControl
0x861592f8 <-> ZwWriteVirtualMemory

The full script is available on this gist, along with the S2W_SyscallList.dmp file in hexadecimal format. To use the dump, replace lines 32 to 34 with the following:

import binascii
with open("SW2_SyscallList_hex.dmp", "r") as f:
    # offset 0x8 is used to remove the DWORD Count of the struct _SW2_SYSCALL_LIST
    SW2_syscallList_raw = binascii.unhexlify([0x8:]

Resources #