Malware hunting & Reverse engineering notes



Gather IDA notes and Python snippets used during the analysis

Snippets #

Type of instruction #

Decompile an instruction at a given address ea (below) and print the type of memory if the instruction is a mov.

  insn = idaapi.insn_t()
  length = idaapi.decode_insn(insn, ea)
  if insn.itype == ida_allins.NN_mov:
      if insn.Op1.type == ida_ua.o_reg and insn.Op2.type == ida_ua.o_mem:
	  print(f"{insn.Op1.type} is reg and {insn.Op2.type} is mem")

cdecl function parameters #

Get the value of a function argument that is moved into a register before the function call (for instance for function with the cdecl convention).

In the example below it reads the value of the second argument (register edx) of the function at address 0x1234 and saved its value in a list named arguments.

import idc
import idautils

resolve_func_addr = 0x1234 # replace by the address of the function

arguments = []

# There are some missing
for ref in idautils.XrefsTo(resolve_func_addr):
    for ea in idautils.Heads(ref.frm - 10, ref.frm):
        insn = idaapi.insn_t()
        length = idaapi.decode_insn(insn, ea)
        mnemonic = print_insn_mnem(ea)
        if mnemonic == "mov":
            operand_1 = print_operand(ea, 0)
            fn_hash = idc.get_operand_value(ea, 1)
            if operand_1 == "edx":
                print(f"0x{ea:<10x} | {mnemonic} {operand_1} 0x{fn_hash:x}")

for arg in arguments:
    print(f"0x{arg:x}", end=", ")